CASA Volunteer of the Month for July 2018

Bonnie Hamlin, CASA Volunteer of the Month for July 2018

Story and photo provided by CASA for Kids of Payne and Logan Counties

CASA for Kids of Payne and Logan Counties would like to honor Bonnie Hamlin as Volunteer of the Month for July.

Bonnie has lived around the world and recently moved to Stillwater, Oklahoma from Florida.  Having spent the majority of her career in social work, it was natural for her to also have a passion for volunteering.  Bonnie researched various organizations in the area and settled on CASA after a recommendation from a friend.  Bonnie said YES to provide a voice in court for abused and neglected children.

“In a little over a year as a CASA volunteer I’ve seen more than I expected. My greatest surprise thus far is seeing that these kids have virtually no family support. They’ve been abandoned. They need someone to be a constant in their life,” said Bonnie.

Bonnie has more than met that challenge for the three children she’s served.  She works with the biological parents, foster parents, and DHS to help her child thrive, not just survive. Bonnie is making a difference by extending grace, having courage, giving time, and showing compassion – one child at a time.

Please visit casaforkids.com to learn more about how you can join the movement and make a difference in a child’s life.

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