Categories: Travel

First Flight!

City Manager Norm McNickle

On Tuesday, August 23 the first commercial flight arrived and departed from Stillwater Regional Airport. The flight service is one of only two new commercial flight services established in the past two years (as reported by thirty-eight states so far) in the United States.  It is the only one of the two new services established that includes daily flights. The flight service is provided by American Airlines with the airline able to accommodate 50 passengers per flight.  More information regarding the service may be found via the official press release announcing the flights here.

City Manager Norm McNickle welcomed those present and thanked all involved in making the day possible. At the top of that long list of people was Stillwater Regional Airport Manager Gary Johnson whose hard work, dedication, and vision led the way during his thirty years of service.

Many members of the community turned out to witness the historic first flight’s arrival and departure including members of the City Council, Chamber of Commerce and other leaders from throughout the community.  City Councilor Alane Zannotti also spoke echoing City Manager McNickle’s thanks to all of the city officials and employees who made the day possible stating, “This Airport is ready for service.”

Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission Director Victor Bird

Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission Director Victor Bird spoke as well assuring those present that, “You have shrunk the world starting today” because the service to Dallas Fort Worth International Airport will allow community members and visitors to fly anywhere in the world with more ease than they have before.


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