From the Editor (March 2020)

by Ammie Bryant

March brings the end of the third nine weeks of school and in the near distance I see the end of the school year quickly approaching. In a college town like ours, it seems like the timeline orbits the axis that is the academic school year. Very soon, the summer months, when the kids will be searching for things to do, will be upon us. Do you have a summer plan for the kids in your life?

This month, we will begin researching and putting together our annual Summer Activity Guide for Stillwater Families.  Each year we do our best to compile a list of family-friendly things to see and do during those quieter months when school is out for the summer break. And each year, our Summer Activity Guide is one of our most saved and shared stories.

Do you know of a local activity that we should include this year? From summer camps and vacation bible schools to fun things to see and do, we want to hear what you and your family plan to do this summer in and around Stillwater. Send us the details regarding the activity or attraction and we may include it in this year’s Guide!  Just call 405.714.3462 or email me at Ammie@StillwaterLiving.com to help us compile the best Guide to Summer in Stillwater!

Until next month, onward!

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