From the Editor (September 2020)

By Ammie Bryant

We have another packed issue with lots of community updates.  With the return of September and the  school year we have stories from Stillwater Public Schools that include the announcement of a grant to help kids who don’t have internet access at home be able to participate in distance learning, recognition of a local teacher by the National History Day Program, and perspective from a class of 2021 senior about what “Pioneer Pride” means to her during these uncertain times. Full disclosure: the author of this story is my daughter and she has contributed to the magazine in the past with stories about “Dancing with Daddy,” SMAC week, and a recent drama production at the Stillwater High School.

Click to read this issue online.

Karyl Henry has a delicious recipe for Green Chile Chicken Enchiladas that is perfect for those busy school nights. We think your family will love them.  We plan to add them to our regular meal rotation!

Roger Moore shares memories about Cowboy Mall.  The former home of Pizza Shuttle, Aggie Stop, House of Greek, LeMans Arcade, and other local favorites was recently torn down.

We also have the second installment in our Local Author Spotlight Q&A series. This month we are featuring Alton Carter. If you are not familiar with Alton’s story, he is a former foster child and the current director of Youth Ministries at First United Methodist Church here in Stillwater.  Over the past five years he has written several books based on his childhood and adolescence and what it was like growing up as a foster child and overcoming those hardships.  Anyone who has met Alton will tell you how upbeat and optimistic he is—we think you will be inspired by his story.

Until next month, onward