Categories: Style

Makeover Masterpiece August 2016

Story and Photos provided by LaRitz Salon & Spa

Emma Nelson is August’s makeover. She is a Stillwater Middle School student who wanted a new look before the school year began. Emma has been a guest at LaRitz Salon & Spa for a few years. She enjoys working with her horse and dogs. She is involved in 4H and participates in Archery. Emma also takes Irish dance lessons at the Community Center.

Jamie Wilson wanted to give Emma a perfect haircut for the perm she would be receiving. She wanted to maintain the length so she added layers. The layers would give her hair movement and body. Emma wanted to get a perm so that she wouldn’t have to straighten her hair everyday and not wear as many ponytails. Kerry Armstrong gave Emma a beautiful natural-looking perm. To style, Kerry used the new Curvaceous line for natural and enhanced curls.  

Emma already has beautiful skin so Kerry decided to use minimal makeup to showcase Emma’s features. Kerry first applied Smart Combination moisturizer. She followed that up with bareMinerals’ tinted PrimeTime in Fair. This added a sheer coverage while providing broad spectrum SPF 30 protection. The Big Break blush was a perfect shade for Emma’s fair skin. Daydream & Vow from The Neutrals palette were used on her eyes. The liner used on her upper lid was Lasting Brown. Lash Domination mascara finished her eye look. Kerry was excited to use bareMinerals’ NEW Matte lip color on Emma. First she lined her lips with Thrilled then applied Cookie, matte lip color. Mineral Veil was brushed over her entire face to give her the airbrushed look and added SPF protection.

Emma is definitely ready to conquer the Middle School with her new style. Let our talented staff at LaRitz Salon & Spa help you look your very best. Call 405-372-8223, come by 115 W McElroy, or visit laritzsalon.com for more information!

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