SPS names Teacher and Support Employee of the Year

Story provided by Stillwater Public Schools

Stillwater Public Schools is proud to announce its District Teacher and Support Employee of the Year. Stillwater Middle School English Language Arts Teacher Chloe Andrews has been selected as the Teacher of the Year, and Skyline Paraprofessional Tim Rostad was named Support Employee of the Year. 

District Teacher of the Year – Chloe Andrews

Chloe Andrews has been a teacher at Stillwater Middle School since 2018. A Cleveland High School and Oklahoma State University graduate, she first started working with SPS students during her sophomore year of college. While working on a writing initiative for a class, she interacted with students at Lincoln Academy and decided she wanted to be a part of SPS. She changed her career from Family and Consumer Science to English and began pursuit of her teaching certificate. Andrews served as a student teacher intern at Stillwater Junior High with Shaila West in the Fall of 2017, and, following graduation, Andrews was hired for her current position at Stillwater Middle School.

“I believe our school is aiding in creating a better society for our small, yet mighty, town. I believe that I am only a piece in a much larger, valuable, puzzle,” says Andrews. “I am thankful my colleagues and friends chose me to represent them. And while this award is one of my greatest accomplishments thus far, I owe it all to those that surround me as I am only an extension of what we all have created together – a positive, kind, and hardworking school trying to provide our community with well-rounded kids.” 

SMS Principal Ryan Blake says, “It’s not just Chloe’s expertise in the classroom that’s so exceptional – She’s the ultimate team player in a profession where flexibility and adaptability is paramount.”

“Without fail, Mrs. Andrews is kind, positive, and the ultimate professional,” he adds. “There are not enough superlatives to describe the positive impact Chloe’s had at SMS. She builds meaningful and long-lasting relationships with each of her students. Chloe doesn’t see obstacles, she sees potential. Mrs. Andrews doesn’t make excuses when a student is struggling, she works tirelessly for answers. We are honored at SMS to recognize Chloe Andrews as our Teacher of the Year!”

Andrews will go on to compete with teachers from across the state for the title of Oklahoma Teacher of the Year.

District Support Employee of the Year – Tim Rostad

Tim Rostad has been a paraprofessional at Skyline Elementary since August 2021. 

A retired sheriff, he holds an associate degree in criminal justice and previously served as a D.A.R.E. officer. In addition to his last two years at Skyline, Rostad worked at Highland Park Elementary School from August 2019 to May 2021. In addition to being named Support Employee of the Year this year, Rostad was recognized as an upcoming retiree. 

“I have been in public service for 43 years,” says Rostad. “I have never been so humbled and honored as I have been by my Skyline family. Thank you!”

“I was thrilled when I learned that Mr. Tim was voted to be the support employee of the year for the district,” says Principal Natalie Fluty. “Mr. Tim has truly changed the lives of so many students. He teaches students different ways to handle the challenges they face. He coaches students and never gives up on them. Mr. Tim is very deserving of this honor.”

SPS announced the employees of honor during a districtwide virtual ceremony honoring all school site teachers and support employees of the year on April 18. Superintendent Uwe Gordon and a team of administrators arrived to deliver the news and prizes in person. 

“Congratulations to these two outstanding education professionals,” says Gordon. “They each have hundreds of peers working for the district, and the fact that they have claimed these titles speaks volumes about the exceptional work they do.”

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