Statement from Stillwater City Manager concerning verification of signatures on recall petitions

Provided by City of Stillwater

Statement from Stillwater City Manager Norman McNickle: “Upon review of the verification of the recall petitions, the City of Stillwater realized signatures of individuals who are not registered to vote in Stillwater elections were validated. It became apparent that the City Attorney’s Office provided erroneous instructions to the Payne County Election Board. Sec. 8-3 of the Stillwater City Charter requires that signers of a petition for the recall of elected officials be residents of Stillwater and registered to vote in City of Stillwater elections at the time they sign.

Because the instructions appear to have created an erroneous count, Stillwater City Clerk Teresa Kadavy has asked the Payne County Election Board to review selected signatures and issue an amended certification of the signature counts for each petition.

If necessary, the city clerk will revise the petition certification.”