American Airlines’ decision to suspend service for October

Media Release — A Statement for Stillwater Regional Airport Director Paul Priegel

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, people are hesitant to make travel plans. This has affected air travel worldwide, particularly for smaller markets like Stillwater Regional Airport (SWO). American Airlines announced today that they are suspending services  effective Oct. 7 through Nov. 3. SWO was selected as one of 15 airports nationwide for temporary suspension of service.

Since the introduction of commercial air service in 2016, Stillwater’s airport has seen continuous growth and 2019 was no exception. We served a record-breaking number of over 58,000 passengers and saw an 8% increase in passengers, with growth percentages surpassing several comparison markets. Due to this demand, we are in the middle of several major airport construction projects, including a three-phase apron reconstruction project and a recently completed parallel taxiway system.

We know that our customers, which include Oklahoma State University’s students, alumni and faculty as well as area business travelers, have become reliant on the services American Airlines provides. We are thankful to have such a supportive local community and a fruitful partnership with Oklahoma State University, and we are optimistic and ready to serve when the time is right.

Stillwater’s Mayor Will Joyce and city staff are aware that federal financial assistance is needed to maintain local commercial air service. They have been in contact with Oklahoma’s congressional delegation and are urging them to support America’s air travel through legislation.

Despite the recent challenges, our team remains dedicated to providing quality air service to Stillwater and the surrounding areas.

This change in service will be reflected on aa.com Aug. 29. For questions regarding flight schedules and tickets, contact American Airlines directly.

See American Airlines’ news release on the flight change at https://news.aa.com/news/news-details/2020/American-Airlines-Suspends-Service-to-15-Markets-in-October-as-Cares-Act-Service-Commitment-Expires-OPS-DIS-08/?utm_source=News_Alert&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Newsroom_Alerts

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